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dublU(ayaychtee)'s capsule on port 1965


Hello! I'm dublUayaychtee ['dʌbəlju eɪ eɪtʃ ti] (spell "waht" to pronounce)

I exist and do computer and music things.

Welcome to my corner of the geminispace, I will try to update this page somewhat regularly.


Gemini? What's that?

Project Gemini Home Page



daily postage about random stuff


Link to Gemlog



whatever I feel like writing

mostly spontaneous


Link to Notebook



here are some links you might be looking for




Learn Ijeða

Learn Progāza



nothing here yet, once I make more music i'll put it here


Link to Music



e-mail: mail <at> dublu <dot> net


LEO (Low Earth Orbit)

Travel this orbit with the links below!

LEO is a collection of gemini capsules, like a webring but for gemini.


More about LEO

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Other links

my youtube channel

my odysee channel

my https website





ascii art may not align correctly on some platforms


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