Noun Cases


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There two main affixes used to mark case.


Subjects always end in a vowel,

Objects always end in a consonant.


The two main affixes only apply to transitive verbs. The Subject of intransitive verbs are always not marked.


If the Subject happens to be a word that ends in a consonant, you make it end in a vowel by adding "-ri" to the end.

Om -> Omri (Rock)

Kužum -> Kužumri (Cake)

Karan -> Karanri (Food)


If the Object happens to be a word that ends in a vowel, you make it end in a consonant by replacing the last vowel with "eu", and adding the CN pair I talked about in the Animacy page.


Here is the list of CN pairs, so you don't have to go to the other page to see them again.






TODO: Add examples