Word Order 1


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The basic word order is SOV.

This means that the subject comes first, the object comes next, and the verb comes last.

This is different than English which is SVO, where the verb goes in between the subject and the object.


Take this example:

I have a rock.


In this sentence, the subject is "I", the thing doing the verb.

The object is "rock", the thing the verb is being done to.

"Have" is the verb, the action being done.


The same sentence in Ijeða would be:

Sa om anoð.


"Sa" means "I".

"Om" means "rock".

"Anoð" means "have".

Notice how the verb goes after the object, letting the sentence follow the structure: subject, object, then verb.

Also notice that the word "a" is missing. Ijeða doesn't have words for "a" and "the". You don't have to worry about this now, I will talk about it more later.


I will keep going with a couple more examples.


You are playing music.

Subject - You, Verb - Are playing, Object - Music

In Ijeða:

Ja karauš čazly.

Ja - You, Karauš - Music, Čazly - Play


He is baking cake.

Subject - He, Verb - Is cooking/baking, Object - Cake.

In Ijeða:

Seð kužum hasir.

Seð - He/She, Kužum - Cake, Hasir - cook/bake