

Progāza uses a pretty standard romanization.

You might have noticed the macron (ā) above each letter. That marks stress AND length. it can be substituted with an accute accent (á) or just a double vowel (aa).


How do you pronounce the letters?


a [a] a in father*

b [b] same as english

č [tʃ] ch in chair (alt: ch)

d [d] same as english

ð [ð] th in this (alt: dh)

e [e] e in bed

f [f] same in english

g [g] g in game

h [h] same in english (never silent)

i [i] i in pizza

y [ɪ] i in him

j [j] y in yes

k [k] same in english

l [l] same in english

m [m] same in english

o [o] o in cold

p [p] same in english

r [r] tap/trill r, no english equivalent

s [s] same in english

š [ʃ] sh in shoeshine (alt: sh)

t [t] same in english

þ [þ] th in thing (alt: th)

u [u] oo in boot

v [v] same in english

z [z] same in english

ž [ʒ] si in vision (alt: zh)




ai [ai] i in fire

au [au] ou in house

ei [ei] a in late

oi [oi] oy in boy

ou [ou] o in home


p, b, t, d, k, g cannot end a syllable, if you are transliterating something into progāza with one of those letters at the end, add a vowel to the end.


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