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Proganese grammar is quite a deal different than ijeða, or english.


Word order and sentence construction

Basic word order

- Word order is SOV. This means that instead of saying "I am eating a rock" you would say "Sa om tau" (literally I rock eating).

Sentence structure and other stuff related to positioning in the sentence


- Basic word order is SOV (see last section.)

- Auxilliary verbs go before the main verb (sa þūše ðūtau, i need eat ("þūše" is the auxilliary verb, "ðūtau" is the main verb))

- Adjectives go before the noun it applies to. (just like english)

- dependent clauses ALWAYS go before the main clause (example: (insert example sentence with translation))

- Unlike standard ijeða, you do not need a special marker for question sentences.

- Like standard ijeða, if an animate noun is an object, it gets marked with the -ja suffix, and if theres an inanimate subject, it gets marked with the -ri suffix (example: ōmri saja tau (literally rock me eating, rock is the subject or doer of the verb, and i am the reciever of the verb, or the one that the verb is being done to.))


incomplete proganese

next: basic vocab